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Lonely Two-Legged Creatures

Saturday 14 September


Isolated, lonely characters are the driving force in this emotionally charged programme of short films. Girls who drink too much, women pushed to the limit, and dystopian worlds where loneliness is an epidemic are the backgrounds for these short films that explore loneliness in its many guises. Humane, touching and highly relatable, these stories are bound to strike a familiar core with anyone who’s ever felt lonely.


Rosalyn DIR Olivia J Middleton NOM Production Design (Jessica Hearne)

The art of reducing noise DIR Heidi Stokes NOM Animation (Heidi Stokes)

Disconnected DIR Alice Aedy NOM Directing (Alice Aedy)

Skipping Lunch DIR Ruby Lawrence NOM XX Award, Acting (Lili Chantel Laurent)

Sea Bear DIR Maisie Bruno NOM U25 Screenwriting (Maisie Bruno)

Her Name Is… DIR Claire Byrne, Lydia McGuinness NOM Editing (Claire Byrne), Sound Design (Michelle Fingleton)

Togetherness DIR Shaun Clark, Kim Noce NOM Sound Design (Hutch Demouilpied)

The Girl in the Shed DIR Sophie Ansell NOM Production Design (Sophie Ansell)

3 Sleeps DIR Chris Holt NOM XX Award


Saturday 14 September | 4:00pm

Running time | 85min

Venue | Barbican Cinema

Tickets | £12.00

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