Blue Moon Film Festival, Celebrating Women Filmmakers
21 Oct-25 Nov, Newcastle upon Tyne
Blue Moon Film Festival is a new film festival celebrating women filmmakers and taking place in Newcastle upon Tyne between Tuesday 21 October and Tuesday 25 November 2014.
The festival will include 3 regional premieres, 2 documentaries, 1 French comedy, an open film night for women filmmakers, and a special night of silent films accompanied by live music.
The festival will kick off on Tuesday 21 October with Wonder Woman! The Untold Story of American Superheroines (Side Cinema), a wonderful American documentary about the evolution of Wonder Woman. This will be followed on Tuesday 28 October by the screening of a powerful documentary by British filmmaker Kim Longinotto, Salma (Side Cinema), the remarkable story of a south Indian woman locked up by her family for 25 years before finding her freedom through poetry.
The Star & Shadow Cinema will host an open film night for women filmmakers on Wednesday 12 November, where you can come and share your film, whatever your experience. The evening will start with a panel discussion with filmmakers including Cecilia Stenbom and Ellie Land, both of whom have screened at Underwire.
The Star & Shadow Cinema will also host a unique night of Silent films + Live Music on Friday 14 November, with female bands playing scores specially composed for the festival.
Blue Moon will close with a bang on Tuesday 25 November with Camille Rewinds (Tyneside Cinema), a riotous french comedy with an incredible soundtrack full of 1980s hits.
More information about the programme and how to buy tickets can be found here:
Twitter: @stephoswald
Email: [email protected]