Wednesday 30 November
Genesis Cinema 18:30
Running time: 87mins
Strong female characters are not enough. We want weird ones, insecure ones, transgressive and angry ones. Rule-breakers, creators, pioneers. Old, young, black, white, straight, gay. In this glorious collection of films, Woman breaks out of the boxes, tears off the labels, and is celebrated in all her wild complexity!
Dir. Nat Luurtsema
Inspired by Macbeth and The Everyday Sexism Project, this is the story of three insulted and misunderstood women whose fortunes rise as Macbeth’s fall. Made with a 90% female crew, WYRDOES is a modern 11th century comedy. “Some are born wyrd, some achieve wyrdness, and some have wyrdness thrust upon them.”
Dir. Susan Jacobson
Rita is about to kick the bucket, but before she does she’s got one final job to do: drag her granddaughter out of the closet.
THE LONG HAUL - Chloe White (Cinematographer & XX Award)
Dir. Chloe White
We follow one woman as she heads to sea on a fishing boat. In the eerie night or under the still bright sun, it’s not always clear where or when this is. It appears as a dream removed from the particulars of the woman’s circumstances and so in her melancholy narration she might not just be describing her own life alone, but also ours.
Dir. Natalia Kouneli
Leah is a Deaf stand-up comedienne who performs in British Sign Language in Edinburgh. Her dream is to bring her comedy to mainstream audiences with a sign language interpreter and raise awareness about Deaf Culture through her shows. But will they get it?
Dir. Rosa Fisher
P.E (Physical Embarrassment) follows a gangly young girl, who finds the whole experience of P.E lessons to be a completely humiliating ordeal. The animation questions P.E’s emphasis on competition, where children are ranked against each other to find the ultimate ‘best child’.
Dir. Cat Bruce
Sona enjoys a life of simple self-sufficiency in her ramshackle countryside home. But now her neighbours are being forced from their homes and massive, industrial constructions are advancing across the horizon. With eviction looming, Sona stubbornly resists the forces that threaten to destroy her world.
BARBARA WALKER - Kate Priestman (Cinematographer)
Dir. James Dunstan
Barbara Walker Sub Urban: New Drawings’ documents the artist during her residency at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham, Surrey. 16mm film captures the large scale charcoal drawings of anonymous individuals, images that look at both the representation and social status of the young in contemporary Britain.
GRACIE - Angela Wynter (Actor)
Dir. Matthew Jacobs Morgan
With dementia taking a hold, an aging Jamaican lady dwells on sad incidents from her past, until her grandson recreates a happier present for her.
INCREDIBLE MACHINES - Sara Deane (Cinematographer) and Clementine Keith-Roach (Production Designer)
Dir. Kathryn Ferguson
Contemporary notions of underwear have been largely formed by the male gaze. Sexualised advertising imagery of women in heighted poses and impossible designs are worlds apart from the daily reality of dressing in undergarments. This film explores the unseen relationship five women have with their bodies and their undergarments.
G-AAAH - Elizabeth Hobbs (Animator)
Dir. Elizabeth Hobbs
Amy Johnson worked as a typist for a firm of solicitors before her record- breaking solo flight from Croydon to Australia in 1930. This film has been created with an Underwood 315 typewriter as a celebration of her journey.
The event will be followed by drinks in Bar Paragon.