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Until the Very End

Saturday 21 September


It’s been said that “to have a child…is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.” With this collection of films we examine the joys and struggles of being a parent. How we are thrust into positions of carer, influencer and teacher with no prior qualifications. The exquisite joy it can bring alongside the agony of getting it wrong. These shorts look at how we are shaped by parenthood.


Programmed by Catriona Delbridge



My Boy DIR Charlotte Regan NOM Screenwriting

Missed Call DIR Victoria Mapplebeck NOM Editing (Lisa Forrest)

Motherland DIR Tracey Lopes, Alicia Quayson NOM Directing (Tracey Lopes, Alicia Quayson)

Kara DIR Deepa Keshvala NOM Cinematography (Deepa Keshvala)

A Perfect Turn DIR Minha Kim NOM Directing (Minha Kim)

Blanket DIR Sophie Gosman NOM U25 Directing Sound Design (Sophie Gosman Director & Rebeca Alvaro Sound Design)

Rachel DIR Caroline Bartleet NOM Editing (Fiona Brands)


Saturday 21 September | 12:00pm

Running time | 91min

Venue | Rich Mix

Tickets | £12.00

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