Director Jane Gull Screenwriter Duncan Paveling Producer James Rumsey DOP Susanne Salavati With Steven Brandon, Shana Swash, Will Rastall, Pixie Le Knot UK 2015 83min After the sudden passing of his mother, Luke (Steve Brandon), a determined young man with Down’s Syndrome, is thrown into a state-funded home and stripped of his independence. Initially […]
Friday 2 December ArtHouse Crouch End 18:30 Running time: 91 mins Dynamic and powerful accounts of place, celebrating settings from the perspective of the flaneuse, the local resident, the tourist, as well as the powerful emotions produced by memory. See films exhibiting fears about the destruction of natural landscapes, people drawn to reach the most […]
Director/Screenwriter Amy Hardie Producer Sonja Henrici With Dorene Asher, Jim Brown, Nicola McInally UK 2016 83min Amy Hardie’s moving and affectionate portrayal of both patients and staff at the Strathcarron Hospice in Scotland gives a unique insight into how we as humans deal with the finality of life. Encouraged by nurse Mandy Malcomson, the […]