Nocturn has been at a few more festivals and screened at some amazing venues - ICA for LSFF, BFI for LGFF and shortly Rich Mix for East End Film Festival. It’s also been picked up for distribution by Shorts International.

As for Leanne- she now has an agent, Elizabeth Dench at DenchArnold, who has fixed her up with producer Tom Clark ( for her first feature project ‘Twitcher’. It’s early days but they already have some exciting interest..

She is also developing a separate feature project still in the very early stages of treatment, a female-driven action thriller set during the Blitz called ‘The Warning’. Unfortunately, she can’t tell us too much about the project as it’s confidential but more news as it happens!

Leanne feels that the awards won at Underwire have helped significantly for Nocturn and for them as filmmakers to get noticed and for people to be interested in, especially for the distribution deal. She wants to say thank you very much again to Underwire.

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