We have teamed up with the Tommy Vine Fund who are offering writers the opportunity to win £700 towards making a short film of their script.

The Tommy Vine Fund (TVF) is a charity that was set up in March 2013 to provide support to young creatives, and encourage those for whom the arts are less accessible to share their voices and follow their dreams.

The organisation is the legacy of and a tribute to Tom Hare (aka Tommy Vine), an astonishing actor and truly inspiring human being. Tom was not only infinitely talented himself, but was also endlessly supportive in encouraging those around him to reach their true creative potential.


Write a 2 to 5 minute script under the theme “Reflections…”

The Tommy Vine Fund would specifically love to see something which reflects back on events of the last year. But essentially you can make what you want of it!

Go wild and tell a great story!


£700 towards the making of your short film script.


The script must either be written by a woman, or have a woman in the leading role (or both!)

(Only 15.2% of UK films have female screenwriters, and globally women are only featured in the lead role in 23% of films: statistics Underwire is determined to see change.)


Email completed 2 to 5 page scripts to [email protected] with the subject: Underwire/TVF [YOUR SCRIPT TITLE]

Please include a brief outline of your budget and how the prize money would be used. TVF is extremely supportive of low budget filmmakers so are keen to hear about how you might go about getting in-kind, low-cost or free-of-charge assistance in the production of your film.


1st November 2015

The WINNER will be announced at the Underwire Awards Ceremony on Sunday 22nd November.

All queries regarding this competition should be sent to [email protected]

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