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Ben Aston, Freelance Filmmaker - Workload Management Session
Hayley Brady, Senior Associate, Herbert Smith Freehills -Managing Finances and Rights Session
Paulette Caletti, Director, Writer and Producer - Mentoring Opportunities Session
Douglas Cox, Freelance Producer - Workload Management Session

Lucy Drake, Drama Production Accountant -Managing Finances and Rights Session
Loran Dunn, Freelance Producer - Workload Management Session
Alex Lightman, Director and Producer - Becoming a Brand Session
Katie McCullough, Founder, Festival Formula - Becoming a Brand Session
Nicola Lees, Mentoring Scheme Producer, Women in Film & TV (UK) - Mentoring Opportunities Session
Kelie Petterssen, Digital Content Editor, Shooting People - (Chair) Workload Management Session
Nicola Quilter, Freelance Filmmaker - (Chair) Managing Finances and Rights Session

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