This year’s we’re very excited to be welcoming STUDIO Magazine on board as our sponsor for Opening Night! We think you’ll agree that it’s a very natural partnership because we think everything STUDIO stands for is ace!

Packed with witty editorial and Hollywood news, STUDIO is aimed at women between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, and aspires towards fulfilling the needs of women who are enthusiastic about Hollywood film and entertainment who are overlooked and dissatisfied by current titles.

Louise Robina Happé, Founder and Editor In Chief, comments: “Having always liked the aesthetic of women’s magazines, readily taking pleasure in flicking through glossy pages of edgy fashion photography, I’ve always had difficulty finding articles I actually want to read. In all honesty, I never found features on various shades of lipstick quite as interesting as the new Denzel movie. And that was what hit me. Having happily immersed myself into the world of film and entertainment from as early as I can remember, I have never been able to find a magazine that truly suited me. The laborious task of crossing from the women’s glossies on one side of a book-store to the entertainment section on the other, only to catch quizzical stares from the surrounding men as to why I was in their turf, just wouldn’t cut it anymore.

“Thus, STUDIO was born; a magazine that would encapsulate everything that a female film fan such as myself, and thousands of others, would want. I feel that digital is continuing to prove that it is the way forward, and we are extremely excited at the possibilities new media devices are creating – particularly the potential to add interactive content, such as videos and clickable links.”

Louise’s family has movies in their blood – her grandfather, Bernard Happé, was Technical Director of Technicolor Ltd UK and was also a founding member of BKSTS, the British Kinematograph Sound and Television Society (

Join us on opening night to meet the STUDIO team and have a drink on us! The bar opens at 18:30 and the opening screening of the festival, the XX Award, kicks off at 19:30. Details here.

For more information on STUDIO, head over to their website here.

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