Throughout 2012, Underwire is going to be on tour throughout the land with a programme of screenings, networkings and general filmmaking fun.

We’re really excited to be kicking off our trail north of the border with a session at the very shiny Southside Film Festival in Glasgow. It’s got a stunner of a programme so definitely check out the rest of the line-up here.

We’re going to be taking to the screen on Friday, 18th May at The Bungo from 9pmwith our friends Women in Film and Television in Scotland, for a night of screenings, networkings and ‘open dvd-players’.

We’ll be bringing to our Glasgow audience a showcase of our award-winning films from the 2011 Festival, which includes work from Scotland-based film practitioners Hope Dickson Leach (winner of Best Scriptwriter for Morning Echo) and Rosie Crerar(winner of Best Producer for Nocturn). After a quick trip to the bar, we’ll then be handing the screen over to the local filmmaking community to screen some of their latest work.

Yes, that’s right, for the second half of the evening, Underwire will hand the screen toYOU to show off your latest projects, works in progress or rushes. We’re looking for work from female producers, directors, editors, writers, cinematographers and composers - so if you have a piece of work that you’d like to share on the night, please apply here.

Oh, and it’s completely FREE! So no excuse not to come down to soak up the sights and sounds of some stunning shorts by women.

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