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Events at Genesis Cinema

Wednesday 30 November Genesis Cinema 18:30 Running time: 87mins   Strong female characters are not enough. We want weird ones, insecure ones, transgressive and angry ones. Rule-breakers, creators, pioneers. Old, young, black, white, straight, gay. In this glorious collection of…

Saturday 3 December Genesis Cinema 11:30 Running time: 76mins BOOK TICKETS BUY SATURDAY SHORTS PASS From biological travels to energetic dance-pieces, these innovative shorts feature women in action. Finding inspiration in the corporeal, as well as in the decisions women…

Saturday 3 December Genesis Cinema 14:00 Running time: 83mins BOOK TICKETS BOOK SATURDAY SHORTS PASS   Exploring the biggest female honestly and untethered, these films interrogate women’s relationship to what’s considered our raison d’être. Earnest, brilliant shorts that explore the…

Saturday 3 December Genesis Cinema 16:00 Running time: 96mins BOOK TICKETS BUY SATURDAY SHORTS PASS Passion and excitement seen in the turbulent time of girlhood, when bold curiosity takes charge. Those early encounters can define us. The power of girl…

Saturday 3 December Genesis Cinema 18:00 Running time: 88mins BOOK TICKETS BOOK SATURDAY SHORTS PASS   Film’s visual power means it can convey emotions that defy words. Transforming the invisible feelings ordinarily locked inside us into images and characters,…

Sunday 4 December Genesis Cinema 16:00 BOOK TICKETS   A director’s “vision” is a much lauded and hard to define attribute – constantly referred to in reviews and interviews without specifying exactly what it is! Every iconic filmmaker takes a…

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