One of the great perks of running UnderWire is getting to meet so many interesting and creative people that we may never have otherwise crossed-paths with. Bidisha is one such person. She very kindly got in touch during the early stages of the festival to give her support, and we immediately wanted to get her involved in some way.

Reading her biography is enough to give anyone an inferiority complex. She began her journalistic career at 14 writing for such cultural pilars as i-D, Dazed & Confused and NME; signed her first book deal at 16 with HarperCollins; has presented on Radio 3, Radio 4 and the World Service, and has worked tirelessly to support issues around gender discrimination in politics and the arts.

Underwire is the most exciting new film festival to launch in the last few years”, explains Bidisha. “ Alongside the Birds Eye View festival, which returns in 2013, it is redressing the under-representation of female talent with positivity, creativity, energy and joy. More than that, it gives film lovers an opportunity to discover thrilling talent, to be lost in stunning visuals, engaging stories, brilliant performances and sharp scripting. And it proves, with its chock-ful roster of amazingly gifted women, that when the people behind discriminatory lists, events, awards nominations, festivals, articles, histories and references protest that “there just aren’t any women around” or that women are too shy/absent/modest/unambitious/minor/petty/small to make the grade…. they’re lying.

With Bidisha’s support of the festival, we thought she would be an inspiring person to congratulate our winners on the 26th. Can’t wait.

* Image by Sarah Lee

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